It’s time: Here are the winners of the Love Island 2021 yearbook awards

Of course Millie is getting best dressed I’m not blind

Well, it’s that time. Time for us all to pack away our overpriced personalised water bottles with our names scrawled on in an unreadable font for yet another year. Yep, Love Island 2021 is finally coming to an end, and it really has been a ride. It’s hard to imagine the last two months of our lives without the big characters that have dominated our telly, our tweets and (alas) our TikTok for you pages. And it’s time to reflect over the last few months with some Love Island 2021 yearbook awards.

After all the talk of NVQs and graduations every time the girls had a crumb of sexual contact, it got me thinking of the traditions of graduation ceremonies and specifically just what the Islanders would be walking home with if Laura Whitmore spent the final episode giving yearbook awards out. Since that shows no signs of being on the horizon, I’m gonna dish them out myself. You’re welcome.

Cutest couple – Millie and Liam

As much as it pains me to not pick my king Toby and my queen Chloe for the coveted cutest couple award, I do think it has to go unquestionably to Millie and Liam. The way that they look at each other, ever AFTER all the hell of the Casa Amor upset, you can see in their eyes that they are besotted. It radiates off them. It’s deeply cute, and whilst I thought them winning was quite a boring outcome in the grand scheme of things, they’re clearly very in love.

Class clown – Toby

Has anyone made me laugh as much this season as this absolute wild card? Nope. So funny even when he doesn’t mean to be. Even when he tries to have a serious conversation I’m laughing. Comedy gold. The next Peter Kay as far as I’m concerned.

Biggest flirt – Brad

Brad would have flirted with the water bottles if he was in that villa any longer. Somehow everyone new that came in managed to be his perfect type no matter what they looked like, and he spent his time in the villa flirting with whoever would indulge it. Perhaps not the most successful flirt, but a sure fire winner for the Love Island 2021 yearbook awards.

Life of the party – Chloe

Nobody has been such a jubilant force of laughs and merriment over the last two months like Chloe Burrows. She really has just got the whole world eating out of the palm of her hand. I don’t know anyone who isn’t a massive Chloe fan. She’s just been an absolute joy from start to finish and I don’t want to ever attend a party again if my Chloe isn’t there, no whey.

Most likely to succeed – Kaz

Kaz has carried the season with her impeccable communicating in literally any disagreement. She truly is just amazing. I can’t imagine Kaz walking into an interview and not getting instantly hired? She’s so charismatic and iconic. Cherish her, a Love Island 2021 yearbook awards no brainer.

Most unforgettable – Chuggs

Sorry but I will remember CUDDLES and HUGS on my deathbed. Long after this season is gone the word Chuggs will live on forever in my brain. Deal with it!

Best dressed – Millie

Love Island 2021 yearbook

I mean… come on. Every outfit is a showstopper at this stage. She literally looks like a superstar in everything she wears. Her style is impeccable. Can absolutely tell she works in the fashion industry. Chic beyond belief.

Most likely to be Prime Minister – Teddy

Love Island 2021 yearbook

What a man. Could save the country. Thoughtful, calm, wise, wholesome. Just a lovely guy that would unquestionably handle the nation’s issues in his stride.

Best couple that never was – Kaz and Liberty

Love Island 2021 yearbook

I think most of the country is in agreement that the best couple this year was actually the gorgeous friendship that arose between Kaz and Liberty. It started as soon as they met and never once had as much as a bump in the road. Just two girls who loved spending time together and understood each other fully. They were so compatible, and it’s so much fun seeing a friendship develop between people as lovely as this and just watching them thrive and have a laugh. Icons. Give them 50k.

Love Island 2021 is available now to stream on ITV Hub. For all the latest Love Island news and gossip and for the best memes and quizzes, like The Holy Church of Love Island on Facebook. 

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