The Kissing Booth 2, Kissing Booth, character, quiz, personality, test, Netflix, film, movie

Quiz: Which character from The Kissing Booth 2 are you?

We can’t all be Elle

The Kissing Booth on Netflix has definitely brought a few characters into our lives. Some we can’t help but hate, some we think are shady AF, but most of them we just adore. If you have ever wondered which character you are most aligned with, this The Kissing Booth 2 quiz is about to tell you.

Are you just like Elle? A bit of a hot mess, but nonetheless fun and smart. Or are you more like Chloe? People don’t really seem to like you all the time, but those closest to you know you actually have really good intentions. Or are you a mysterious yet fairly goofy Marco? You could in fact be more of a sweet talking and typically handsome Noah – the possibilities are (nearly) endless.

The following 10 questions will give you the answers once and for all. So, now’s your time to find out.

Take this quiz to find out which character from The Kissing Booth 2 you really are:

The Kissing Booth 2 is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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