Quiz: What percentage Groovy Chick are you, really?
The personality test we’ve been crying out for
It was a rite of passage that growing up as a young girl in the 00s you owned at least one Bang On The Door, Groovy Chick item. Whether that be the hot pink bed sheets, a glittery pencil case or a million and one stickers. But who knew that Groovy Chick would literally shape some of us into the women we are today? Being a Groovy Chick is a movement, you can’t tell me any different.
It’s a certain type of person who rocks up to a house party with a cup in each hand and their flares on. She probably stands by her love of Britney Spears, wears her hair in scrunchies and owns those teenie-tiny sunglasses only cool people like Gigi Hadid actually look good in.
So, have you maintained the Groovy Chick vibe into adulthood? It’s time to see how much of a Groovy Chick you still are these days in the quiz below.
Take this quiz to find out what percentage of a real Groovy Chick you are:
If you get 100 per cent in this Groovy Chick quiz, you’ll be pleased to know the Bang On The Door website is still a thing, and you can still buy Groovy Chick merch!!!
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