These are the best 17 memes of Billy Porter’s iconic Grammy curtain hat

‘Me trying to avoid being social at a family event’

In case you missed it The Grammy’s were on Sunday. I have no idea who won the awards because I was too mesmerised by Billy Porter’s insane head piece which has created some quality Billy Porter curtain memes.

Billy wore a blue glittery hat with silver tassels that could mechanically form a curtain over his eyes and wow, it was such a vibe . The hat was custom made by Sokol Millinery and is basically the only thing you need to wear if you want to avoid people.

Billy shared on Twitter a pic of his hat and said if you get on his nerves the curtains will close. He said: “Get on my nerves, and the curtain closes! Living for my lewk styled by @sammyratelle with a custom design by @scottstudenberg of @bajaeast and featuring a custom hat by @sokolmillinery & mechanically engineered by @SM00TH_TECH.”

People on Twitter have created some stand out Billy Porter curtain memes about the headpiece as the tassels can either be a way to throw shade or to pop up in certain situations.

Here are the 17 funniest Billy Porter curtain memes:

1. I LIVE for drama

2. Can Mondays be cancelled?

3. 2 for 1??

4. Height is a turn on right?

5. Classic Jameela always popping up

6. It’s a vibe

7. Oh shit

8. I am here for this

9. Please do not talk to me

10. The absolute worst question

11. Positive vibes only

12. A bit breezy in here

13. This headpiece is the ideal funeral hat tbh

14. Wow, triggered

15. Just here for the gossip

16. What a gift this meme was to us

17. And finally, always here for carbs

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