Image may contain: Parade, Crowd, Person, Human

A graduation ceremony was held at Alton Towers on an actual rollercoaster

And you thought your graduation was lit

In a perfect metaphor for post uni life, a bunch of grads received their degrees and immediately plunged directly downwards at high speed.

The full video is on The Tab Instagram story.

The Staffordshire University grads, having finished their degrees in Visitor Attraction and Resort Management, somehow managed to cling to their gowns and mortar boards during the 68mph ride on Oblivion at Alton Towers.

Image may contain: Graduation, Fashion, Human, Person

Credit: SWNS

Simon Ratcliffe, Assistant Recruitment and Learning and Development Manager at Alton Towers, said: “We believe this will be the first ceremony like this to take place in the world.”

Oblivion was the world's first vertical drop roller-coaster, and sees riders suspended over the 60-metre drop before being plummeted and experiencing a G force of 4.5.

One of the new grads, Charlotte Hall, who achieved a 2:1 in Visitor Attraction and Resort Management, said having the graduation ceremony on the roller-coaster was "really exciting and such a fitting way to end the course".

She described the graduation as "unique and unforgettable". She has also been offered a job working at Alton Towers now she has graduated.

Image may contain: Theme Park, Coaster, Roller Coaster, Human, Person, Amusement Park

Credit: SWNS

Carol Southall, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, said students who study the course are given the chance to experience a diverse range of job roles and gives them an "edge" when they graduate.

Staffordshire University is only half an hour drive away from Alton Towers and the university is "extremely proud" of the partnership the two have and the "benefits" it brings for students.

In case you wanted any further reminder of how lame your graduation will be in comparison, take a look at the pics below:

Image may contain: Human, Person, Roller Coaster, Coaster, Amusement Park

Credit: SWNS

Image may contain: Accessories, Accessory, Tie, Person, Human, Interior Design, Indoors

Credit: SWNS

Image may contain: Face, Rural, Transportation, Car, Vehicle, Automobile, Sports Car, Building, Countryside, Furniture, Chair, Outdoors, Nature, Person, Human

Credit: SWNS

Image may contain: Apparel, Clothing, Outdoors, Theme Park, Amusement Park, Person, Human

Credit: SWNS

Image may contain: Crowd, Graduation, Person, Human

Credit: SWNS

Image may contain: Graduation, Accessory, Accessories, Tie, Helmet, Apparel, Clothing, Person, Human

Credit: SWNS

And if you want to see video footage of the high speed graduation, head to The Tab Instagram story.

Feature Image credit: SWNS

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