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How many dates you should go on before making it official?

According to new research


Have you ever wondered how many dates you should actually go on, before beginning to worry how serious things are? Are you concerned you're not normal and are actually being cushioned?

Well set your mind at rest because new research from Voucher Codes Pro reveals that on average, young British people go on 11 dates with the same person, before becoming exclusive.

Over 2,000 young British people with a 50/50 split of men and women, all in a relationship for the last six months, were asked to take part in a study.

According to the data, men are likely to be talking to six girls at once, whilst women could have up to four guys on the back-burner.

The male respondents were asked why they dated multiple people at the same time. 71 per cent said they wanted to keep their options open, 64 per cent were not ready to settle down and 62 per cent were attracted to multiple people at the same time.

When the women were asked why they dated a few people at the same time, 68 per cent thought that a few guys could be "the one", 51 per cent dated multiple people because they had an inkling that the person they date was dating someone else and 43 per cent wanted to keep their options open.

Everyone was then asked whether they thought their current partner knew they were seeing other people, when they were not exclusive and 78 per cent said no – finally proving that the majority of us are players.

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