QUIZ: Can you name the bizarre collective nouns of these animals?

This is a legitimate and valuable way to spend your time

For many, summer is a time of broken dreams. Holidays abroad come and go in the blink of an eye and what promised to be a period of relative peace has in fact materialised as a three-month stint of passive aggression with the rest of the family.

Instead of living our best summer lives dancing outside with a Corona, wearing the perfect casual, floaty maxi that ‘I just threw it on! Aha!’, many of us find ourselves sat on the sofa, idling the days away watching Jeremy Kyle and waiting for our friends to finish work at their summer jobs so we can finally hit the pub.

Wasted time is the worst. So why not do some pre-pub quiz revision while taking your mind off Debbie’s burnt brandy snaps on Come Dine With Me? Try this quiz on animal groups and impress everyone with your fascinating, useless general knowledge.

Way 2 go. You couldn’t have learnt that from Bargain Hunt, could you!