This week’s best clubbers will make you look like a right boring fuck

One of them literally drank all the beers

Did you think we’d stopped doing these? Did you think: “Oooo, thank god, I hate those ‘clubbers of the week’ articles!” Well we haven’t, you FOOL. That is the opinion of nobody!

We’re back, and we’re funnier than ever – check out the best clubbers in the UK this week below.

Young Nicolas Cage Lookalike™ finalists of the week

Voting closes at 21:00 GMT

When you tell your boyfriend you’re staying in but you’re actually out pulling bouncers

The Red Stripes will protect me

Is there a word for the crippling fear of bouncy castles?

Because this girl has it in a major way

Every day we stray further and further away from God’s light

Satan is telling me to kill and kill again

Alien (1979)

A BTS look at the ‘chestburster’ scene, one of the most famous horror movie moments of all time

Omg he’s doing salt bae HE’S DOING SALT BAE

It is sort of a normie meme now tho

Who are these three and can you introduce me

They look so cool

Hey man how many controllers do you have for your Xbox?

Cool let’s play

Help me doctor, I have all these hideous boils on my chest

You could say they’re… flaring up

Oooo that last prosecco has made my tummy hurt

Should have stuck to the Bolly

When you’re just trying to dance but someone throws a javelin in your face

Pretty rude

Ahhh the old cardigan/polo/T combo

Topman circa nineteen-tickety-two

When you think Red Bull will give you wings but it just gives you a boyfriend you hate

The guy behind you is better mate

When you buy an extra drink for your girlfriend but she’s already bought an extra drink for you because you love and respect each other


You won’t BELIEVE what the cast of LazyTown are up to now

Is she still cooking by the book though?

Guys we’re all having a good time but you can’t do that on the dancefloor!


…and I can’t even get a text back

Just kidding, I’m the guy on the sofa