Every way that marijuana can supposedly help your period pains

Oh hello weed tampons


At this point we can all acknowledge that there haven’t been a lot of great things in 2016. In terms of positive advancements, then, we have to take what we can get, and that includes the advent of the ‘weed-to-help-menstruation’ movement. So here’s what’s out there if you do decide to give it a go.

Whoopi and Maya

Teaming up with Maya Elisabeth, Whoopi Goldberg – you know, the woman from Sister Act- has developed “a Signature Line of medical cannabis products designed specifically for relief from menstrual discomfort”. These include marjiuana infused epsom bath salts in lavender and amber moon fragrance, marijuana infused cacao (basically weed chocolate), a medical cannabis body rub for pains and aches, and a THC infused tincture that Queen Victoria was said to be a huge fan of. So you’re in good company tbh.

Obviously because medical marijuana is legal in California, the products are only available there right now, which is a shame.

Weed tampons

OK, so for all the hype around ‘weed tampons’ this year, disappointingly they’re not actual tampons. What they are is weed suppositories from a company called Foria Relief. Previously the company were known for Foria Pleasure, a weed based lubricant which users claim is a great “weed vagina butter experience”, but their latest product focuses on relieving pain instead. For around £30 ($35) you can get a pack of four “weed tampons”/vaginal suppositories, each of which contains 60mg of THC and 10mg of CBD. According to Foria it “maximizes the muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties of cannabis without inducing a psychotropic ‘high’.”


Alright so it’s not technically restricted just to menstrual pain, but a new study published in the Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy claims that vaping a high concentration of  vaporised marijuana for just a few minutes can provide relief to chronic neuropathic pain, and could even become an alternative to prescription painkillers.

The study went on to say: “A significant 45 percent reduction in pain intensity was noted 20 minutes post inhalation (P = .001), turning back to baseline within 90 minutes. Tolerable, lightheadedness, lasting 15–30 minutes and requiring no intervention, was the only reported adverse event”.

Hemp oil

Like Foria’s suppositories, hemp oil promises to provide pain relief without the high you would normally get from smoking weed. While most of the cannabis products to reduce pain are only available in US states where medical marijuana is legal, Hemp Oil UK provides them in Britain (but they’re pretty expensive). Their LoveHemp product range includes high purity liquid drops, body salve, atomiser spray and the only 40 per cent CBD oil on the market -priced at £299.99 per 10ml. Tony Calamita, co-founder of CBD Oils UK said: “Whilst as a company, we do not make any claims about the effects of CBD and encourage research; our customers have reported benefits such as improved sleep, reduced anxiety and a lower reliance on conventional medications for a range of conditions.”