MDMA is going to be used to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

It’s only one stage away from being approved as a prescription drug


From Between the Lines: what you really need to know about drugs, a special report by The Tab.

In a landmark ruling, MDMA is going to be used to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The Food and Drug Administration in the United States have agreed to a first-of-its-kind trial, to see if the recreational drug can help those suffering with the neurological condition.

The test will be a stage-three clinical trial, the final stage required before it can be approved for use as a prescription drug.

MDMA is most commonly known as a recreational drug, taken in pill form

Researchers have been looking into using the drug to treat PTSD sufferers for years, with this new development being a huge breakthrough in the use of illicit drugs for medical purposes.

Dr. Charles R. Marmar, head of psychiatry at New York University’s Langone School of Medicine, told the New York Times that he’s “cautious but hopeful” about the trials.

He said: “If they can keep getting good results, it will be of great use. PTSD can be very hard to treat.

“Our best therapies right now don’t help 30 to 40 percent of people. So we need more options.”

Watch our video interview with a world expert in MDMA’s medical benefits:

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