New Balance praised Donald Trump, so people are burning their trainers
NB x Trump: The one collaboration we didn’t see coming
In one of the weirdest alliances in political history, sneaker brand New Balance have publicly come out in support of Donald Trump – and people aren’t happy.
The label, who have previously complained about Obama’s Trans-Pacific free trade agreement, tweeted their support for the president-elect this morning.
The support was revealed by Wall Street Journal reporter Sara Germano, who tweeted that New Balance had said: “”The Obama admin turned a deaf ear to us & frankly w/ Pres-Elect Trump we feel things are going to move in the right direction.”
Now, in response, people are burning and binning their trainers in protest – posting pictures of them setting fire to their New Balance shoes online.
Since the controversy started, New Balance have posted a statement on their Twitter.
Roll on 2017.