LGBT+ Officer said she sympathised with the Taliban and condemns U.S. Army

Shahid describes the U.S. army as ‘thick-skulled soldiers’

The NUS Officer who represents LGBT+ students nationwide has said she sympathises with the Taliban, and calls their mistreatment as “insulting and disgusting”.

In a blog post uncovered by Heat Street, Noorulann Shahid, who prefers to be referred to as ‘they’, argues this is ‘not because I sympathise with the Taliban, but because they are Muslims’.

Noorulann Shahid attended the University of Nottingham

Shahid, described on their Twitter profile as a “Muslim, Feminist, Desi, Queer, Disabled, Trans (they/them)” is a close ally of current NUS President Malia Bouattia.

A Tweet from the same year argues that U.S. soldiers are fed ‘BS’ in regard to the Taliban.

The post, titled “The desecration of the Quran- intentions matter” has since been taken down but screenshots of it can be found here (courtesy of Heat Street): picture 1, picture 2, picture 3.

The post, written in 2012, was in response to an incident where US soldiers burnt up to 100 Qur’ans in Afghanistan leading to violent disturbances across the country and calls from the Taliban for attacks on NATO bases and convoys.

Shahid, who warns that “Muslims will get angry, and rightly so” for disrespecting the Islamic faith also cites the 2006 incident of the “disrespectful depiction of the prophet Muhammad” in Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten as an “inevitable” act that “will provoke discontentment”.

They write that the act is something which “I don’t think can ever be apologised for” because the burnings were “disrespectful from the outset” as an intentional act of hatred on par with the Qur’an burnings of Islamophobic U.S. Pastor Terry Jones.

They also describe “the misguided among us [Muslims] may use such acts as ammunition and vow to obtain vengeance by any means neccessary.”

Shahid has yet to respond, but the post has been removed from the public domain and their Twitter profile has been set to private mode.