Is it really ‘sexy’ to ask someone to put on a condom? We asked you

The awkward wait while he sorts himself out

We’ve all seen, or heard about the Durex advert. If you haven’t, Google their advert ‘once it’s on, it’s on.’ A group of women are secretly shown a group of men discussing the condom; saying it’s ‘sexy’ when a girl asks about using one and that it shows ‘confidence.’ But how true is this?

We can all say that it’s sometimes embarrassing, awkward and a turn off when having to stop sexy time in order to slip on a johnny. We went to the streets of Birmingham to get both a male and female perspective. We asked, “what’s your thoughts when having to use a condom?” Using the ‘Durex’ advert as a reference, these were the results.

Ellen Walker, 20

“Well I was talking to my boyfriend about it a few nights ago, and we don’t think it’s sexy but does show confidence. My boyfriend said he would have more respect to the girl. I personally wouldn’t find it sexy but it is a must do thing, and if the guy has a problem then he’s not the right guy.”

James Patey, 20

“I completely respect a girl when she asks. It’s totally cool. I do prefer without, but there’s a difference when two people are in a long term relationship compared to a one night stand. Making sure the girl is comfortable is crucial as well. I agree that it does show confidence as she is respectful of herself and health, but I wouldn’t have said a piece of latex is sexy.”

Poppy Kettle, 21

“I think within society, there is definitely a stigma that using a condom is a nuisance. The fact that the advert uses superlatives when describing a women wanting to use one, such as ‘sexy’ and ‘showing confidence,’ is a breath of fresh air. Not every girl is comfortable with the alternative forms of contraception, such as the implant or even the pill, so creating a ‘cool’ reputation for the condom is necessary.

“Condoms are about preventing pregnancy but also about prevention of STIs, so it does differ to whether you’re in a relationship, having sex with a new partner or a drunken night fling. I like that the advert does offer a positive male viewpoint, I think that’s definitely needed within society as I think girls sometimes worry, especially if it’s her first time, what the guy is thinking.”

Liam Rintoul, 19

“Well basically, I get that it can be embarrassing to ask for one to be used, and that generally it feels better without one but the most important thing should always be the safety of the two people involved.”

Ed Wong, 20

“I think that sexy is the wrong word. It definitely shows confidence and that she respects the both of you more than anything. At the end of the day, it only takes a few seconds to put on really and the other option is having a crying smush a few months down the line. No thanks.”

Katie Bruce, 20

“I think the advert touches on some important issues about perceptions of condoms between men and women, but I don’t think that the way the male opinions are portrayed are all that accurate. I’ve always been lucky to be with people who are understanding but I know a lot of guys aren’t (obviously not generalising.) I think that the advert probably should address that a bit more instead of glossing over it.”

Shannon Farmer, 20

“I haven’t seen the Durex advert, but will catch it later. I don’t really have an opinion on using condoms, I think if you’re having a one night stand it’s probably safer to use them, but personally if I’m in a long relationship they’re just annoying and the sex isn’t good. I would never say no if someone wanted to use one though. I want to be able to switch from 69 to sex without having to take condoms on and off, hard pass on the soggy latex in my mouth.

“There’s always stories of boys hating condoms so some girls worry about asking to use them. I guess I’m just lucky that I’ve always been with understanding guys and would have enough confidence to tell them to ‘do one’ if they refused, but some girls are more shy.”

Russell Davies, 19

“It’s important to be on the same page as your partner. I know that both men and women can prefer not to use a condom, it can be an inconvenience. I wouldn’t say that using a condom is ‘sexy’, as the advert says, but more safety. However, when it comes down to it – no glove, no love.”