All of the Bridgerton couples ranked, from love match to doomed marriage
Let’s just pretend Berbrooke didn’t exist, please x
With Bridgerton season three comes many new couples thrown into the ‘Ton, and whether you loathe them or burn for them everyone has to admit that the Netflix series’ romantic pairings add a lot of excitement to our judgements and ranking of the show.
From traumatising couplings like Berbroke and Daphne to true love matches in Anthony and Kate, Bridgerton’s romance provides the ‘Ton with a lot of tension. Everyone has their opinions on which matches will last, so here’s a ranking of all the Bridgerton couples from season one to now, based on whether we’re rooting for their success or sending our sorrows and prayers.
23. Lord Berbrooke and Daphne Bridgerton

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Honestly, if this needs an explanation you need to rewatch the show and have a good, hard think. Truly appalling.
22. Lord and Lady Danbury

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This storyline had us devastated for Lady Danbury, who was promised to the ancient Lord Danbury when she was a CHILD. The only thing this pairing was good for was setting up Lady Danbury’s iconic independent storyline where she runs the household after her husband’s long-awaited death.
21. Lord and Lady Featherington

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Listen, Lady Featherington might not be the nicest person in the ‘Ton, but she does what she has to do to secure stability for herself and her daughters in a situation where they didn’t have much; and, if we’re being completely honest, all that instability was Lord Featherington’s fault.
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He might have been caring to Pen, but he basically lost all of the Featherington fortune and lied to his wife about it while she was trying to secure her daughters’ futures in the only way she knew – these two need some serious communication classes.
20. Edwina Sharma and Anthony Bridgerton

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I’m still waiting for Edwina’s justice because the way that Anthony and Kate hid everything from her for an entire social season is absolutely devastating, and Edwina handled it with such grace she deserves a medal. I hope she gets her love match in the end.
19. Lord and Lady Ledger

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I will never condone affairs like the one Lord Ledger had with Lady Danbury, but to be honest Lady Ledger was just as guilty. It’s clear their marriage was not formed on the basis of love, and Lady Ledger is happy having a lot of money, but not very happy with anything else. At least they both got what they wanted, I guess? Lady Ledger got her social status and Lord Ledger found happiness with his daughter and Lady Danbury.
18. Portia Featherington and Jack Featherington

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This pairing was so bizzare, I’m not really sure what to say. Despite their shared last names, they weren’t actually related, thank goodness – they also never lied to each other, to be fair, and were completely open about their money-hungry ways, so I had to rank them higher than the others. The bar is really on the floor.
17. Colin Bridgerton and Marina Thompson

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These two aren’t really the model relationship, considering Marina lied to Colin and only tried to marry him to save her and her child from social ruin. But despite all of that, Colin still would have married her if she had just told him about her situation, and these two really would have been cute together if it weren’t for her hidden pregnancy. This is further proven by their continued friendship after her marriage.
16. Cressida Cowper and Lord Debling

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Does anyone else think these two would actually be a really good pair? Cressida’s had such growth since the earlier seasons and is turning into a good person, and Lord Debling would give her the escape from her family she needs. She would also be exactly the type of person he’s looking for, because if anyone can run a household well it’s Queen Bee Cressida Cowper, and that seems to be what Lord Debling is after.
15. Benedict Bridgerton and Tilley Arnold

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Lady Tilley Arnold was introduced as a love interest for Benedict in the first part of season three, and while their relationship is fun and honest (which is much more than can be said for most Bridgerton couples), they just lack the memorability of some of Bridgerton’s earlier flings.
14. Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger

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This is another pairing that was just a bit weird. In the flashbacks in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, we saw Lady Danbury’s affair with Violet’s father, and while they were quite adorable and gave each other an escape from their unhappy pasts, the fact that Ledger was Violet’s dad was just too much of a plot twist for me to get over.
13. Daphne Bridgerton and Prince Friedrich

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Listen, these two might not have been a love match but their personalities were so aligned I had to rank them higher than the others. Despite all of their differences, they really understood each other and it was clear that Friedrich would have cared for Daphne. If the Duke wasn’t in the picture, I would have been rooting for this diamond couple all the way.
12. Penelope and Lord Debling

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Like Daphne and Friedrich, Penelope and Lord Debling would have worked in theory, but the heart wants what the heart wants and Penelope just wanted a love match. Nevertheless, they’re both really kind people and would have made a good (if slightly boring) couple.
11. Simon Bassett and Daphne Bridgerton

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I know that Simon and Daphne are a love match, and the end of their story was incredibly romantic. But outside of that, their story was filled with lies and manipulation. And, Daphne’s reaction to those lies when she assaulted Simon did not convince me of their bond. All things considered, this love match is much more problematic than they appear at first glance.
10. Anthony Bridgerton and Siena Rosso

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I’m SO glad that Bridgerton did a good job with Anthony and Kate because I was devastated when his relationship with Siena came to an end. Their chemistry was almost unmatched and Anthony was so at peace when he was with Sienna that they almost seemed perfect. But, Anthony would never have abandoned his family and the only reason he offered to is because he thought he was going to be a fugitive… not really the great basis for a relationship.
9. Benedict Bridgerton and Madame Delacroix

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These two were another pair that worked really well together. Their relationship wasn’t serious, but it was fun and flirty and they remained really good friends throughout. They had me giggling and kicking my feet, and their easygoing personalities really aligned.
8. Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington

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I know that these two will be a perfect love match if the books are anything to go by, but right now there’s just too much tension for them to feel like endgame. Penelope’s secret is looming over their heads and it’s uncertain whether Colin’s actually done enough to convince us that he’s past all the philandering he did in the first few episodes.
7. Francesca Bridgerton and John Stirling

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These two were possibly the happiest part of season three part one, and are just too adorable together. They give each other space but also show that they care in the cutest ways (not John rearranging a whole piano piece for Francesca?!) and are so much more unproblematic than most other Bridgerton couples. They just get each other’s need for quiet, and the only reason they’re not higher up in these rankings is because we haven’t seen enough of them!
6. Theo Sharpe and Eloise Bridgerton

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Honestly, it’s unforgivable that Theo hasn’t had a single mention in the latest episodes of Bridgerton. Him and Eloise were an match in every sense of the word except their social classes, and even though their bond was doomed from the start I’m still glad we got to see Eloise blossom in their relationship.
5. Philippa Featherington and Albion Finch

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These two might be clueless but they’re ADORABLE. Aside from their general need for some PSHE lessons (which clearly aren’t available in the ‘Ton), their relationship is so caring and wholesome that they rank highly in my eyes. From bonding over a love of cheese to Albion’s obvious pride at becoming a part of the Featherington family, they’re really too pure.
4. Charlotte and George

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Queen Charlotte’s marriage, which was the focus of Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is truly devastating. But, despite all the heartbreak it brought us (I’m still sobbing over “Farmer George”), their love for each other and willingness to face all of their trials together outweighs anything else, and I’m in no doubt these two are a true love match. Some points have been lost for all of the lies they told each other at the start, but in the end they worked things out and I’m so glad.
3. Kate Sharma and Anthony Bridgerton

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These two are PERFECT. The chemistry? The tension? The banter? An absolute masterpiece. They lose some points for the way they lied to Edwina and tried to control her life, but everything seemed to work out for her in the end as Charlotte hinted she would get her love match with Friedrich. Kanthony are just such a perfect match it’s hard to stay mad at them.
2. Brimsley and Reynolds

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Brimsley and Reynolds’ relationship was completely forbidden, but they still managed to show complete and utter happiness when they were together. They’re the cutest couple the ‘Ton has ever seen, and I’m absolutely devastated at the implications of Reynolds’ absence from Bridgerton. They had some disagreements about George’s illness, but overall were a clear second place.
1. Will and Alice Mondrich

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This might seem like an unlikely first place Bridgerton couple, but Will and Alice Mondrich are such relationship goals. They’ve gone through more struggles than most other characters but their relationship has never wavered. Despite some issues this season, they’re still going strong and have somehow managed to escape the Bridgerton curse of having a massive drama block their path. The ‘Ton could learn a lesson or two from these icons.
Part one of Bridgerton season three is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes, like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.
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Featured images before edits via Netflix.