Grab your wallet: Get 30 per cent off and free delivery at boohooMAN now

The best thing about being a student


Tired of getting all your caps nicked on nights out and your hoodies “borrowed” the morning after? Bored of living in trackies and want to scrub up for your library bae? Well, with 30 per cent off at boohooMAN and free delivery now’s the time to do it – it’s so cheap, you’re clothes are basically free.

Big, tall, small, fuckboi, sadboi, baby-faced boy – boohooMAN has the clothes for you. Here’s what need to do to get 30 per cent off:

Step 1: Click here

Step 2: Login with your student email address

Step 3: Copy your unique discount code

Step 4: Buy buy buy buy buy buy buuuuuy

It’s that simple – the more you buy, the more you’ll save.