We’ve got over 200 likes on our Facebook profile pictures and you can too

The best time to post it is 6pm on a Sunday


Facebook is undeniably a popularity contest, and the winners are the people with the most likes.

Your mum and a couple of friends might give a like and a comment, but the elite regularly bring in over 200 likes on everything they post.

It’s not about who you are, but the pose, the style of photo and even the time of day you put it out.

We spoke to the socialites with more than 200 likes on their profile pictures to find out how to do it too.

Amelia – 530 likes


19-year-old Amelia Perrin goes to Royal Holloway, she’s been in Miss GB and her photos are even regularly stolen to catfish people online.

She told The Tab: “My tips would be to upload it at a time you know loads of people are online, like 8-10pm as people don’t check their phone/internet as much in the day.

“Sundays at around 9pm is the golden time I reckon.

“Play around with contrast and brightness until it looks good because I hate photos with bad exposure/too bright/not bright enough so probably won’t like them.”

Apparently the worst sin you can commit is overdoing it though.

Amelia said: “Don’t over filter it, I hate when photos go grainy because they’ve had loads of filters put on them.

“Also a funny caption will always get more likes.

“I find deep quotes so cringey as photo captions, but you can use funny or relevant song lyrics at a push.”

Ali – 408 likes

Ali knew how to milk the graduation photo

Last month Ali graduated in Chemical Engineering from Oxford, which is quite an achievement – or at least his Facebook friends thought so, as they gave him over 400 likes.

Ali said: “I think I have a lot of likes because quite simply I have a lot of Facebook friends. So in terms of ratio, it might not be that impressive.

“Nevertheless , I believe my profile picture has an element of academic success tied with a proud family – two things which usually tend to attract likes.

“I don’t try to get a lot of likes but it does generally happen, but I do quite like to know that my Facebook friends are not just cyber friends who post links and can send you messages every once in a while.

“It seems like my friends genuinely are showing appreciation for the picture.”

Speaking technically, Ali said: “Time of the day is actually quite key. I tend to post early evening because most people tend to check their Facebook before bed and would be more likely to see it then.”

Isaac – 265 likes

Isaac got a lot of likes for his blurry selfie with David Cameron

Eager young Tory Isaac Duffy relies on his ability to get photos with politicians to bring in the likes.

So far his most liked photo has been with the Prime Minister, but he’s also done well from pictures with George Osborne and Theresa May.

He said: “I’ve found posting at about 9pm is best.

“As far as content goes if it’s something that stands out – either funny, or with somebody who’s good looking or important – it’ll probably do better.

“My best ever was me and Cameron, but my current one of me out campaigning came close to it.

“Fridays are a good day to post. I’d say every month or two is a good period to add new pictures.”

Imogen – 205 likes

Graduation photos are always good for some likes

Liverpool grad Imogen Berger is currently travelling in Mexico, and despite pulling it hundreds of likes on her exotic photos, it’s her graduation picture which did best of all.

Imogen said: “I don’t personally have a method behind what pictures I put up, mine are simply my favourite photos.

“Graduation photos seem to be most popular as I find myself liking people’s who I haven’t seen in a while to say congratulations.

“If it’s a good photo I’m sure people will like it, I like close friends photos or just photos I think wow that’s cool.

“I don’t think the time of day makes any difference when you post.”

Reuben – 262 likes

Reuben apparently puts in no effort, but gets more likes than his mates

Bristol Aerospace Engineering Bristol fourth year Reuben Joseph claims he gets hundreds of likes without even trying.

“I love that it annoys a couple of my friends, because they put so much effort into theirs and I don’t.

“But I still get more likes than they do, and they’re actually bothered by it.”

Anna – 488 likes

Anna thinks selfies usually do better than action shots

Sixth former Anna Holley got nearly 500 likes on her artsy black and white profile picture.

Giving her advice, Anna said: “I suppose more people are on Facebook in the evenings, so probably any time from 8-11pm is best to post.

“I don’t really know what type of photos – just a nice smiley one.

“I don’t plan photos before or anything. In order to get more likes then it’s probably better to do a selfie of someone.

“I think it must be based on how many friends one has.”

Aquila – 514 likes

Aquila is originally from Brazil, so unless you speak Portuguese you probably won’t get the comments

Bodybuilder and fitness model Aquila Nolasco promotes himself on Facebook, so it’s part of his job to get more likes than anyone else.

Most of his photos score around the 500 likes mark.

Aquila said: “The best time to share a picture is 8am or 6pm, as the first is good to get likes in Europe and Asia, and the later one is good only for part of Europe – as in Asia it is going to be over midnight.

“But if I get excited about something or I have a good feeling then I just post it and don’t worry about time.

“I normally put motivational quotes and texts created by me and sometimes I make jokes laughing at myself.

“Pictures that work best are travel pictures and photos with famous people.

“I love the likes and it gives you a broad insight about what people think about you and your thoughts and personalities.

Keelin – 209 likes

Keelin’s photo from Israel got 209 likes

Traveller Keelin MacDonald, who originally went to uni in Sydney always gets a lot of likes by documenting her travels on Facebook – but it’s the more abstract photos which perform better.

Keelin said: “I never put thought in to them in the sense that I care about how it would be received, I genuinely love taking photographs.

“Travel photos seem to evoke the best response – the photos I put up generally aren’t focused on me or my appearance but focus on the setting which people appreciate more than a selfie .

“I generally wouldn’t upload anything on the weekend – more so beginning of the week because I have time and people are actually on their computers during the week.”

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