Humanities students will always earn less than those who do Sciences


English, History and Politics students get a tough deal, but the latest slap round the face is predictably being told they’ll earn less than those who study the sciences. 

For the first five gruelling years of their careers, those who do a BSc such as medicine or engineering will earn £2,000 more per year on average than BA students.

This shoots up to £4,000 for the next five years they’re out of uni, according to pay data company Emolument.

Hardly surprising that someone who spends their uni days shifting in hospitals or designing fingernail sized cogs to fit industrial bridges will get more cash than someone with less than five contact hours a week.

Time is a healer for doing the wrong kind of degree, and around the 10 year mark the salary start to level out a bit more.

When, or more likely if, we enter the roles of professional managers and strategists then humanity students can finally start to earn more than our scientific peers.

Apparently for managing positions, technical knowledge is about as important as your opinion on modernism or Medieval guilds in Norwich.

The real assumption here is that Humanity students can walk into a job straight out of uni, let alone one which pays around £35,000 a year.

Russell Group grads will apparently earn £200,000 more in their lifetimes’ than those who go to polys – and Oxbridge’s best and brightest can expect to take home a massive £200,000 extra.

Junior doctors might be facing huge pay cuts, longer hours and have plenty to moan about, but spare a thought for anyone who has to write 12,000 words on the History of Art.