You’re wasting your whole summer on Netflix, says survey
Go outside you weirdo
You spend most of your summer watching films and binging on Netflix.
According to a new survey, we’re going to run out of things to do a month before uni starts.
Carried out by National Citizen Service, it found out the top ten things for teens to keep busy with over the longest holiday of the year.
They also found out that young people expect to run out of things to do by the 10th of August, over a month before uni kicks off again.
Shockingly, one in 20 teenage girls and one in 10 boys even admit they won’t spend any time at all with friends over the summer.
And your boredom is costing your parents £2,500.
Six out of 10 young people admit struggling for things to do and more and more are resorting to indoors activities, like Netflix and social media.
Other popular pursuits for our nation’s young people are chatting on social media and hanging out with friends, which they expected to spend 95 and 113 hours on respectively.
The study reveals a third of all teenagers will have had their entire summer planned out by their parents with the average joe expected to spend 48 hours of their holidays helping around the house and 100 hours doing activities with family – more than they will spend on social media (95 hours).
Top 10 activities
Hanging out with friends (113 hours)
Activities with family (100 hours)
Social media (95 hours)
Napping (84 hours)
Watching films (79 hours)
Catching up on box-sets on Netflix (75 hours)
Gaming (74 hours)
Having fun in the local neighbourhood (60 hours)
Shopping (59 hours)
Working part time (58 hours)
Playing sports (58 hours)