The VT student’s survival guide to second semester

It’s time to learn from our mistakes

First semester was stressful enough and now syllabus week is over and the homework is in full force again. Maybe you forgot how to function with so much responsibility after that nice break. Lots of us didn’t make Dean’s List the last time around. Not to mention the weather we’re coming back to… Second semester is like looking up the side of a giant mountain we have to climb. We’re climbing uphill, but we’ve got this.

Try to avoid last minute all-nighters in Newman

We’re all pretty bad at studying. We’d rather see the same five memes on Twitter every day than crack open that chemistry book. Seriously, avoid trapping yourself in the library this semester to make up for your lack of studying. It’s really not healthy and you’ll love yourself more if you stop.

Actually do the reading this time

We’re all guilty of this, don’t deny it. One reading assignment = no homework and four hours of Stranger Things. Do yourself a favor and read that chapter. You’ll only hate your existence for 10 minutes, but when you’re in that exam and the answer to question four is from a picture caption in chapter seven, you’ll be glad you did the reading.

Try to stick to the resolutions just this once

VT students break a sweat at McComas

We have not one, but two gyms on campus. McComas and War are definitely something to take advantage of. Check out the Group X classes and try out a personal trainer. If you find those options just aren’t your thing, play a pick-up game of basketball or run on the treadmill to release some endorphins and get your happy on.

Get involved

Now that we know what we’re doing, we can actually do things. If you didn’t join anything last semester, it isn’t too late. There will be more a capella auditions, more Chocolate Milk Club meetings and opportunities to rush. Step out of your comfort zone and see what you can do.

Go to bed on time

You’ve heard it a million times. We need eight to nine hours of sleep every night in order for our brains to function right. Still, some of us are out until three in the morning on a Tuesday night. Keep an eye on the prize and get to bed so you can wake up on time and get to class.

Eat somewhere besides DX

I get it. You love it. We all do. It’s fast and easy, but do you realize you’re going to gain the freshman 50 every year here if you keep going like this? I mean, if that’s your cup of tea, okay, but we go to VIRGINIA TECH. We are KNOWN for our food. Branch out a little.

Don’t buy the books until you know you’re going to use them

This one really goes out to the freshmen. In case you haven’t already learned your lesson, this is crucial. If you’re not going to follow my earlier advice and do the reading, then there is no point in spending $70 on a textbook that’s just going to collect dust. On top of that, some professors won’t even ask you to read or work from the textbook, so it’s better to just wait.


Take this however you want. Whether this just means actually putting all your notes for one class together for once, or color coding with all your new highlighters from your Christmas stocking, you can’t go wrong with this tip. Here’s an idea: write down everything on a calendar you can put somewhere you’ll look every day.

Have fun

I don’t know what the key to happiness is and I’m not an expert on how to have a successful semester, but I do know this one’s important. You can’t be constantly worrying about your GPA if you want to be successful. You will go insane. Instead, give your mom a call. FaceTime your dad. They just had a whole month of you and you’re leaving again, and they will miss you. Also, don’t be afraid to put away the flashcards and textbooks and have a night without that. Sometimes, your success depends on how you de-stress, not on how you study. This is college. Enjoy it.

Virginia Tech