The Tab Tennessee has launched at Rocky Top

We want to tell your stories

Welcome to The Tab at the University of Tennessee, the place where you’ll find relevant stories about all things UT.

Our Tab reporters are experts on the events and goings-on on campus, since they’re students just like you: they’re cheering in the student section, fighting for parking spots,  and wondering when we’ll be good at football again.

The Tab is definitely not your average news source. The stories featured here are all about sharing relatable and personalized stories from Tennessee students – something you can’t find in other news sites. Our stories are always original, and they focus on local events and people with unique stories.

As of now, we will be regularly publishing interviews, event coverage and so much more through The Tab. Please like our Facebook page and invite your friends to do the same. That way, we can continue spreading the news about what makes the University of Tennessee so great.

If you would like to be a part of our team, sign up to join The Tab and remember all of the reasons why it’s great to be a student at UT!

University of Tennessee