Write for us at The Tab NYU

We’re not your school newspaper

The Tab is America’s leading college news network with the most talented student reporters at over 70 colleges in the US, and a global audience of eight million readers.

You might have heard of us because we broke the story about Malia Obama going to Harvard, or when we asked Donald Trump what he is going to do for graduating college students. Our top reporters have gone everywhere from the White House to the front lines of RNC.

Whether you’re interested in breaking stories on campus,

challenging misconceptions,

or letting your classmates know how to make tuition payments, The Tab is the place for you.

Applications are now open for The Tab NYU Spring 2017. The remote internship is recognized by leading media companies and journalism schools, available to the most talented student journalists and writers.

Writers will provide sharp reporting on campus life, and also have the opportunity to cover political events for Electoral College, report on race and discrimination issues with Voices of Color, and contribute to Babe, the fastest growing women’s site on the internet. They work with a campus editor and a professional journalist in New York to write quality stories with sharp angles.

Rewards include limited edition Tab merchandise, recommendations from senior journalists, and internship opportunities at The Tab’s New York office and their media partners.

Although The Tab has only been in the U.S. for a year, we have already had stories with weekly traffic surpassing the biggest stories in publications like The Washington Post, and The New York Times.

The Tab is written by students like you, and with the right ideas, your stories could be next.

For questions about applying, reach out to your campus editors Laura Casado ([email protected]) or Edie Freedman ([email protected]). Also, feel free to contact our campus representative at the New York office, Caroline Phinney ([email protected]).

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