Are you a racist? This Harvard racism test will tell you

Get your grandma to take this at Thanksgiving

Have you ever wondered if you’re secretly a massive racist?

Because there’s a test that will prove if you have unresolved issues with black people.

Harvard’s Project Implicit is designed to uncover your subconscious attitudes to race.

The test asks you to agree or disagree with statements like “I would probably feel somewhat self-conscious dancing with a Black person in a public place” and “It would not bother me if my new roommate was Black.”

Later on, you have to identify European American and African American faces from their photos. It ends after a word association challenge matching different faces to bad words or good words like “agony” or “peace”.

The test will tease out a racial bias you didn’t know you had – or hopefully give you the all-clear answer, “your data suggest no automatic preference”.

There are other tests you can take to reveal your hidden biases against sexuality, religion, disability, Arabs, Asians, the obese and the elderly.

Take the test to see if you might harbor bigoted views here.

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