What seniors will miss about Georgetown

The good and the bad

It seemed like yesterday we couldn’t wait to leave school. After years of being at this school, it seems like the weekends blur together and it seems like the same thing again and again. But now that we’re about to graduate, we want to take every bit of experiences this campus has to offer. And we’re gonna miss it all so, so much.

Knowing everyone

You know you have to plan to leave your place 10 minutes before you would normally leave because you know you will run into a handful of friends on your way to class. When you’re really, really late you sometimes have to resort to purposely avoiding eye contact and not walking through Healy Lawn. Truly embrace this moment because you will probably never again in your life be at a house party where you can name every single person present.

Everything is walking distance

We all love complaining about the long walk to class in the winter months, particularly the hike up the MSB hill when the wind is impeding any advancements, but actually it’s not bad at all. Especially considering that everyone lives within a five-block radius of campus. Besides, every walk has a hidden, sheltered passage that can get you to any building with the least exposure to snow, wind or rain as possible. Your nightlife also was made a lot easier because short walks meant you could ditch the jacket in winter and occasionally the shoes (for the bravest) on your strut back home.

The Lau guard legend

In full honesty, the history of Lau guards has not always been one of warmth and smiles. Those awkward 10 seconds where you search for your GO-Card, the line behind you is building up and you start feeling like a criminal, are made ever so painful by the disapproving guard’s stare, who scorns the fact that you made him miss out on 10 seconds of staring at the floor. However, there is one who stands out and you very well know who he is. Even if you’ve never actually managed to have a full conversation with him, he makes you feel like you are his best friend in the world and the sunshine to his mornings. Especially when you’re stumbling in at sunrise to cram for a mid-term. However, this simple pleasure often didn’t go without his discreet request for a coffee from Mug on your way back up – which is no burden in gratitude for the happiness he poured onto you.

D.C.’s bipolar weather

Shorts, Canada Goose, flip-flops, Canada Goose… DC’s weather disorder may be annoying in its unpredictable nature, but this sometimes led to the best of surprises in the dead of winter. By surprises I mean either sledging down the Dixies hill, spotting skiiers on M Street or participating in uncensored nudity on Healy Lawn in December.

Midnight Mug

Although a visit to Mug often entailed stripping out of your layers, because for some reason the Corp can’t seem to find the off switch for the heating, it is always a pleasant visit and break from work. Coffees are cheap, illegal mixes of caffeine are made legal and they are the only solution to your survival.

Georgetown Day

Let’s face it, this is what you’ve spent your entire spring semester looking forward to for the last four years. Tragically, you usually end up not remembering one bit of it. But if your party got shut down by the cops, and you’re backyard is more red from Solo cups than brown from the dying grass you never took care of, you know you had a hell of a good time.

Basketball games

You bought your season tickets religiously, even if you did not understand one thing about Basketball. Because let’s be honest, it’s basically more about the pre-games and the after party at Rocket Bar (unless they reached full-capacity before you got it) than the actual game. And you get to see JJ devour balloons in the opponent team’s colors. It is possibly also the only place you will see the costume of Pope Francis in the crowd of a sporting event.


Before you trash this one, take a moment to reflect on it.

Even though the smell is still a permanent component to your sweaters, and Leos made your Valentine’s day lunches a billion times more depressing by blasting the Titanic soundtrack, you did enjoy some aspects of Leos. First, it’s where you established most of your freshman year friendships – bonding over the food you were too poor not to resort to. Second, the ever-so-friendly staff (especially at the omelets counter) taught you the essential skill of keeping your mouth shut when you want to complain. Thirdly, Leos always made a cute effort to spice it up with the occasional sushi bar or cupcake display that at least made you smile at the attempt.


Tombs will always bring back memories of that notorious stamp that stuck to your forehead, undefeated by water and the strongest of soaps, for an embarrassing four days or so. It is probably also where you discovered your passion for country music and your intellectual handicaps on trivia night. Perhaps more unforgettably though, it’s where your ID suffered the most brutal of rejections, in front of a line of disapproving seniors and the bouncer they had all been in class with.

Diplomatic talks with SNAPS

As if the squad’s name wasn’t ridiculous enough, they convinced you to put on your sober face in the worst of times and attempt a strategic conversation in the hope of avoiding 15 hours of collecting leaves in front of your friends’ doorsteps and a non-negotiable $50 fine (that goes to what use?). Ultimately, your conversations with Monsieur Fountaine taught you the essential skills of negotiation and then probably false expressions of repentance.

Georgetown University