I don’t care if this study says girls’ periods don’t sync up, I’m going to believe it’s a real thing till I die

Science is really just lies

A recent study by popular period-tracking app, Clue, claims girls' cycles don't actually sync up.

Over 1,500 women involved in the study said they believed their cycles had synced up with someone else's. Of those 1,500, Clue chose 360 pairs to review over three consecutive cycles.

The pairs ranged in relationships — friends, sisters, mother/daughter, roommates, partners, colleagues — and the study even took their birth control into consideration.

Results showed that 75 percent of pairs had "a larger difference in cycle start dates at the end of the study than at the beginning," with only 25 percent of the pairs' cycles actually closing the period gap. What this means is that girls' cycles grew further apart, instead of syncing up like the universe intended.

I, however, refuse to believe such lies. I will not let one of the purest forms of female friendship be ruined by "science".


There is no other feeling in the world that resembles the joy we get when we tell our best friend, roommate, or total stranger we met in the women's bathroom that we got our period, and their response is "OMG ME TOO!"

In that moment all of the suns and stars in the galaxy seem to align, leaving us with the comfort of knowing there's someone else who will be sharing the pain and hormones in the coming 5-7 days. They will be there for the mood swings, the chocolate binges and the random bursts of anger towards inanimate objects, as we both bleed uncontrollably from our vaginas, AND I DON'T NEED SCIENCE BUTTING IN AND TELLING ME THAT'S NOT REAL.

I don't care that there "aren't any studies or mathematical analyses that prove the existence of cycle syncing" — science can back the fuck up.

I don't care that friends' cycles "are more likely to diverge, than sync, over time" — female friendships are delicate flowers that blossom and bloom, and time only multiplies that. The closer we get, the closer our periods get, and that's fact.

I don't care that, according to science, "living together doesn't increase the likelihood of syncing" — the countless times I've synced up with my female roommates prove otherwise.

And that's enough proof for me.