Every kind of photo on your Instagram #BestNine this year

One is obviously a Hillary tribute

Those little nine-square collages that everyone was sharing on Instagram around this time last year have returned for round two, which means they’re likely to become even more ubiquitous — so just go ahead and make one now, before your great aunt and your dad and Taylor Swift all jump on the bandwagon and it’s not even remotely cool anymore.

For the uninitiated, the phenomenon is called #BestNine, and it’s basically just a plugin that sifts through your Insta, selects your nine most-liked photos and presents them to you in an easily digestible collage form. You know, because it’s totally not about which moments of your year you liked best, it’s about which ones your followers did.

And because the universe of Instagram tends to be surprisingly formulaic, it’s likely your #BestNine won’t be that different from, well, everybody else’s.

The selfie


As much shit as everyone talks about selfies and how they’re so annoying and self-absorbed and millennials should stop taking them all the time, people sure do “like” them a lot. Like, how about we’ll stop taking them so much when everybody stops not-so-secretly loving them.

The election meme


Whether it was you casting your ballot while rocking that “Nasty Woman” t-shirt or a somber post-election inspirational quote, political content was everywhere this year, and people (those with similar views, at least) got their double taps ready for it.

The pet porn


Nobody owns a pet these days without shamelessly pimping its cuteness for social media likes. It’s not even weird anymore to have a dedicated account for your cat — in fact, if you do, it probably has more followers than your personal one. So whether it’s your dog or your friend’s that you’re ‘gramming, it’s probably getting a crapload of likes. Taylor Swift’s cats sure are.

The throwback


Whether you posted it for your friend’s birthday (“Love you girl! Can’t believe this was three years ago!”) or it was just a good old fashioned #tbt, nobody is immune to the cuddly sense of nostalgia provided by a solid throwback. Likes given.

The pink one


It’s been quite a big year for the color pink — so much so that it’s spawned multiple trend pieces about why girls our age are so drawn to so-called “Tumblr Pink.” To be fair, even if you’ve never been a “pink girl” before, you’ve probably found yourself inexplicably drawn to the color this year, because that’s what good, persistent advertising does.

The sunset skyline shot


Nothing makes people feel jealous of you quite like a perfectly captured, artfully filtered skyline shot — even if it’s just the view from the library balcony, it’s all about that sunset. If you happen to live in a major city, it’s likely you and everyone you know have taken approximately 27 of these in the past year, but there’s always that one that just bangs.

The vacation photo


Beautiful travel photos are a great way to humblebrag about what a great summer/spring break/winter vacation you’re having — especially if it involves a body of water and a fly bathing suit. Also, all the creepers come out of nowhere to like this one, for obvious reasons.

The bff


Taking selfies with your best friend feels significantly less obnoxious than taking them with, well, yourself, but provides the same opportunity to ensure you look your absolute best. It’s likely that it took over 20 minutes to get one you both like, but in the end, it’s worth it for all the likes without the icky feeling that comes from posting a photo of you looking hot alone in your room.

The fancy dress


If you got dressed up for a formal and you didn’t  ‘gram it, did it even happen? Bonus points if you tagged the maker of your dress (or #RentTheRunway) in the hopes that they’d post it on their page. They probably didn’t, but you got a lot of likes anyway, so who even cares?