We asked Trump supporters why they hate Hillary Clinton so much

They keep shouting ‘lock her up’

It’s no secret Trump fans hate Hillary Clinton with unmatched ferocity. The Republican Convention’s most popular t-shirt said “Hillary for Prison” and “lock her up” was a chant repeated in most speeches.

The main criticisms have ranged from calling her selfish to naming her a criminal. Most accusations seem to stem from what Trump calls her “dishonesty”. We asked a few young Trump fans to explain why they hate Hillary so much – and they didn’t hold back.

An incoming junior at the University of Delaware, Adam Shifflett, is disgusted by what he calls Clinton’s past actions and her current views on how the country should be run.

“I dislike her because she broke the law and got four Americans killed,” says Adam, referring to the 2012 Benghazi incident. The incident came after requests to Clinton, Secretary of State at the time, to enhance security at the American diplomatic compound. She subsequently has taken the flak for the tragedy.

“Also, I don’t agree with any of her policies as I’m an economic conservative,” adds Adam.

Rising sophomore Crew Ferguson at the Community College of Baltimore County Essex has also disapproved of Clinton’s actions towards our military and wars with other countries. “She’s a supporter of the war and a deceiver of the people,” he claims.


He also says that she is selfish: “She uses her position to her own benefit and puts herself above a normal civilian.”

All three students agreed Clinton could not do anything now to switch their allegiance from Trump to her.

“No she can’t [switch my vote.] She would make me uncomfortable with the power of war and confidential information,” says Crew.

Each student dislikes Clinton tremendously, and is happy to jump on the Trump Train with all their heart. Madi praises Trump’s determination to achieve his goals.


“Trump is someone who goes after what he wants,” she says. “He’s going to get things done, unlike the past few administrations who were put in office. His political incorrectness is something that our country needs. America has become soft and people are too worried about hurting feelings and making excuses instead of being proactive and getting things done with resilience. Trump doesn’t make excuses, Hillary does. I agree with most of his policies.”

Madi is more focused on Trump’s drive to finish things that he has started, even if critics call him “a racist, a sexist, or a homophobe.”

Ferguson has sided with Trump because of how well he connects to a large section of the American public. “Trump is a bit more personable, [Clinton] is not. He is an incredibly success-oriented business leader and has given a ton of jobs to our people,” he says. “She has done a lot of good herself but I just don’t see her being as successful with the economy as Trump will be.”

Adam says he’s voting Trump because he thinks Clinton is a bigger liar than him. “Trump hasn’t consistently lied to the American people and been corrupted by super-PACs and money because he’s funded a lot of his own campaign.”

Even though it is unknown who will win the presidency, these college students believe that Clinton would be an extremely bad choice to choose as the next United States president. With only Trump as the Republican nominee, they must side with him. They do, however, have several reasons why he is a good candidate.