RBF is your new best friend

When looking like a mean, disgusted and annoyed serial killer is actually a good thing

Everybody has that friend or that parent who’s always trying to make you feel better about yourself; usually, the sentence “embrace your flaws” is their forte, they spend their day flattering any aspect of anyone and anything, “OMG! SUCH WOW! SO PERF!”, and they’re able to reach that mysterious level at which you’ve definitely had enough.

However, among all the obnoxiously happy sentences, the “embrace your flaws” one needs to be carefully considered in the context of the notorious Resting Bitch Face: embrace your flaws? F%&K THAT! If having a Resting Bitch Face (capitalize it, dis important) is seen as a flaw, then you know nothing just like Jon Snow.

The RBF is one of the best things that can happen in your life and here’s why.

People will hardly do you wrong

The RBF has an intimidation-component. The more you look like a mean bitch, the more people think you’re actually intimidating. Would you treat an animal that looks like a pissed off puma like a lost puppy? I wouldn’t.

Shop assistants won’t ever bother you with a thousand questions

“Do you need help?” “Can I show you a dress that would look lovely on you?” It’s happened to everybody: you go shopping to relax and you get frustrated by shop assistants dropping bomb-questions on you. And your shopping-fever disappears. The RBF has never let any shop assistant get closer than 10 feet. Try to believe.

No pick up lines on your smile

Are you tired of those guys always trying to impress you by telling you how sweet and beautiful your smile is? If the answer is yes, the RBF is what you need. If you don’t smile, they can’t talk about it. In another perspective, the RBF stimulates guys’ creativity.

Hucksters will spread as if you were Moses instead of jumping on you

If I were a huckster, I’d like to get money instead of a punch in the face. This considered, isn’t it more likely that a person that walks around smiling is more willing to listen to you and buy your stuff instead of a person that looks like she wants to slaughter every single human being? Draw your conclusions.

Fake smile is not you problem

People will hardly think you’re a fake person. They will only think you’re just mean. But when you actually do smile, everybody knows it’s true and sincere.

Nobody will ever think you’re weak

Usually people associate an intimidating expression with actual power. If you can pull off a RBF, nobody will try to get against you. Basically, they assume you got your sh*t together.

It adds mystery to your life

Sad? Angry? Just woke up? Happy? In love? Nobody will ever know.

No one will call you dumb

If they can’t talk to you because they’re too scared and if you don’t express your feelings (besides a mild, general and constant expression of disgust on your face) they can’t infer anything. Oh, they could think you’re plotting against them: it’s another perk, let them live in fear of you.

If you’ve lived a huge part of your youth thinking that something was wrong with you because people thought you were mean, it’s time to let go that thought and appreciate every single perk of the RBF. If you can’t change something, then use it to your advantage. The RBF is like a natural selection trait: whoever actually does talk to you, they’re not only brave, but they’re worth it.