Warwick campus entrances blocked after reports of travellers

Security closed off several entrances last night and Tesco deliveries had to be postponed

Some of the Warwick campus entrances were blocked last night after a small number of traveller vehicles parked without permission in one of the car parks.

Peter Dunn, the University’s Director of Press and Policy, told the Tab that the owners of the vehicles “refused to leave when first challenged.”

The car park in question and other nearby open areas were then closed off to prevent the arrival of more vehicles.

As a result of the closures, some Tesco deliveries for students returning to university were also cancelled.

Alice Vodden, a first year student in Jack Martin, came back to campus last night expecting a delivery of her groceries between 9pm and 10pm.

However, she received a call from the delivery driver at half past nine telling her that the university had closed the barriers at the entrance to the university, preventing public access to campus.

Speaking to us today, Alice said: “Because the delivery was cancelled, I won’t get any of my food until tonight. It’s really inconvenient because I only got back yesterday so have nothing available until then except what I buy on campus.”

The vehicles are now believed to have left.