The Hoar has published a book before saying goodbye

It’s 748 pages

Warwick’s infamous student platform for satire and free speech, the Hoar, has just announced the release of their new book before closing down.

The authors of the book, Will Kerry and Will Spurr said, “we are closing down the Hoar to focus on our drinking.”

the final goodbye

As a conclusion to their short-lived writing career, the book will feature a collection of stories written by students and academics from around the world. Their work was accumulated on a digital server in Chicago and distributed on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, where feedback was provided with likes, retweets and shares.

The 748-page book bearing its name was kept secret by its members until they said it was time to “spool down the scribblers and drop our curtain”, claiming that “only palpability will satiate the Hoar’s pomp and superciliousness.”

A paperback copy of “the Hoar” can be purchased on Amazon for £18.

Photo Credit: The Hoar.