The Tab Warwick’s editors talk fashion – in the toilets

Because you all need fashion tips from us

You read what we write daily, you are outraged by what we write daily, and now you can be outraged by what we wear too. Does our copy style match up to our clothing style?

Lucy Alderson, Deputy Editor: “If I could choose between unlimited bags or shoes, Id go for the shoes… to hide my hairy feet.”

Varsha Patel, Co-Head of Marketing: “I would love to steal Negin Mirsalehi’s closet, she’s my fave fashion blogger.”

Faith Thompson, Vox Pop editor: “The worst thing a lad can wear is probably a Family Guy t-shirt, it screams: ‘I’m shit in bed.'”

Lucy Warner, official poo correspondent: “I could never wear crocs. I don’t care how comfortable they are, everyone inevitably thinks you’re a weirdo.”

Alex Ball, Co-Head of Marketing: “Fresher’s Fashion these days consists of wearing last night’s clothes to morning lectures”

George Lawlor, News Editor: “I own eleven coloured chinos. Three of which are different shades of red. My favourite is my white pair.”

Alick McCallum, Deputy Editor: “My hair routine consists on waking up, maintaining sass, continue.”

Fi Smart, Editor in Chief: “My fashion tip for the Boar Editor, if he is reading this, is: continue to look amazing, don’t be a Boar, and let your minions follow your superior example.”