B&H Buses announce fare rises

Several student prices will be affected

Brighton and Hove buses have announced several changes to fares. They have explained that the fares are being raised in order to fund de-congestive methods as journey times are increasing year on year, as well as costs for the buses.

The changes will come into effect on the 25th April. The changes are as follows:

A CentreFare ticket bought directly from the driver will be £2.20 (the ticket costs £2.00 if bought using the Brighton & Hove buses app). This is 10% more than the current price.

CitySaver tickets on the Key smartcard and mobile app are having increases as well:

  • 28 days will increase from £69 to £70
  • 90 days will increase from £180 to £183

NetworkSaver tickets will see the following changes (purchased via app):

  • 1 day will increase from £4.50 to £4.70
  • 7 days will increase from £20 to £21
  • 28 days will increase from £73 to £75
  • 90 days will increase from £190 to £200

Student tickets bought using the B&H Buses app will become the following prices (not all have changed):

  • CitySaver 1 day ticket will remain at £3
  • CitySaver 7 days ticket will remain £13
  • CitySaver 90 days ticket will be increased from £120 to £123
  • NetworkerSaver 1 day ticket will be increased from £3.20 to £3.30
  • NetworkSaver  days ticket will remain at £13.75
  • NetworkSaver 90 days ticket will be increased from £127 to £128

For a full list of prices, see here.