Which course has the highest dropout rate?

Watch out for pushy parents

Computer scientists spend the majority of their time in their room, but this may not be the only reason you don’t know any. New figures suggest it could be because they’ve dropped out.

According to the Higher Education Statistic Agency (HESA), the computer science lads are runaway leaders with 9.5 per cent dropping out, followed by mass communication with 7.8 per cent – probably because they got tired of explaining to everyone what they actually do.

Despite moaning about all their hard work, medics stick at it with a dropout rate of just 1.4 per cent. This may have a lot to do with their pushy parents and not wanting to lose their smug demeanour.

The study counts a dropout as someone who is no longer in higher education a year after starting. Those who change courses or drop out and restart the following year are therefore not counted within these figures.

For this reason, those who do Historical and Philosophical studies have a dropout rate of only 3.5 per cent despite their penchant for quitting at Christmas and heading to South-East Asia to find themselves.

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