Has Christmas come too early?

The Christmas season gets earlier every year, but is this a bad thing?

I write this as I stare at my beloved Christmas jumper, still folded neatly, as it has been since last January. The more traditional crowd would argue that this item of clothing has no place in public until we’re firmly into the Christmas season, advent calendars and all. But why should this gorgeous article of clothing gather dust for a full 11 months?

Just begging to be worn

It’s clear that the high street and I are on the same track. We’re yet to pass Halloween and stores have Christmas displays all over the place. Thornton’s has its chocolate Santas set up right next to the skeletons. M&S have Christmas order catalogues laying right next to the jelly pumpkins. Tim Burton is no doubt delighted with this Nightmare Before Christmas crossover we’ve found ourselves in. While many people complain that all this festive joy has come too soon, I have absolutely no problem with it. (Slutty Reindeer, anyone?)

Wrapping up Halloween as soon as possible

Yet, soon enough Halloween will come and go. Surely everyone will stop complaining then, right? WRONG. The UK is still a witch hunt, hell bent on burning all those who get that warm, fuzzy feeling when they notice Elf is on Channel 4 for the first time that year. Perhaps it’s our country’s inherent need to be constantly bereft of joy. Maybe we’re not satisfied unless we have something to attack – and what better to attack than a day of family, presents, food and copious amounts of alcohol (this is Stirling after all).

Everything you need to decorate your house over two months early

Come December the majority will simmer down and allow Christmas to engulf the Grinch syndrome. But those among us who truly appreciate Christmas know that is really too late. That only leaves 25 days to eat mince pies for lunch and order drinks that will inevitably taste better due to their festive names. 25 days barely leaves time to invite your friends over to attempt to cook a pre-Christmas dinner in shoddy student kitchens, using an oven that takes two hours longer to cook your turkey that the packet stated. 25 days just isn’t long enough.

So grab your Christmas sweaters. Pull those crackers. Put on the little party hats you get inside. This is a Christmas call to arms.