The Union are providing incentives to get students to vote in the elections

All to help boost the turnout in SU elections

With student elections coming soon, the Union are taking measures to try and boost the number of students voting.

These measures will include individual prizes, such as a Golden ticket to the LCR and being able to pick your own Damn Good theme.

As well as these individual prizes, the Union is offering special bonuses for every voting threshold past. If 1,000 votes are cast, the UEA Vice Chancellor will do a dab for students and if 2,500 votes are cast then the Union will organise a  bouncy castle and inflatable jousting day in the square.

See below for the full list of rewards and bonuses.

Free LCR doesn’t sound bad

If this number of votes are cast…

250 votes: Free hot drink upgrade in Unio (show completion screen)
500 votes: Free stress relief kits during exam period
750 votes: Free toast in Unio for the rest of the election
1,000 votes: The UEA Vice Chancellor will dab for students
1,250 votes: Free entry to Meltdown
1,500 votes: 10ft statue of Cloud Dog will be built in the Hive
2,000 votes: Free ice cream all day in the Square
2,500 votes: Bouncy castle and inflatable jousting day in the square
3,000 votes: Free fruit all week
3,500 votes: 20 per cent off in the shop for a day
4,000 votes: 20ft statue of Cloud Dog in the Hive
5,000 votes: Free LCR night
7,500 votes: Push the full-time officers in the lake day
8,500 votes: 50 per cent off in the shop for a day

Individual prizes includes:

· Win an LCR golden ticket (free entry to everything)
· Win a shopSU trolley dash
· Win your own Damn Good theme
· Win a (student) lifetime supply of free Unio pizza

Hopefully these rewards will boost student turnouts which are notoriously low, after all a higher turnout means the Union can better represent what students want.