Leeds’ clubbers of the week: St Paddy’s Day special

Shoutout to the Galway Girls

St. Paddy’s day brought you lot out of your deadline week slump, and you were out in full force this week. Scroll down to see if you made the cut.

Stunner of the week

Runners up

Wankers of the week

Who brings a bottle of vodka to the club though?

St. Paddy’s Day lovers

I don’t think she’s meant to be all green, but the look is really working for her

That guy in the back has really gone for it

VK lover of the week

Squad goals

Runners up

Girl power

Cultural appropriation of the week

Hero of the week

Who goes clubbing with a broken arm?

Candid shot of the week

Creepers of the week

People feeling the music

Photos by: Daniel Watson, CJG Photography, Elouisa Georgiou Photography MiX:UP LDS photos and Chaos photos from the NoCurfew Events Facebook page, Sticky Feet photos from the Taking Liberties Facebook page, P.A.R.T.Y photos from the PARTY Facebook page,