A look behind the scenes at the Leeds RAG Fashion Show

One of Leeds’ most hotly anticipated events has arrived

This Thursday (23rd February) plays host to the most fashionable night of the year in Leeds. Claiming ‘Event of the Year’ five times, this year’s RAG Fashion Show is guaranteed to be as fabulous as ever before and it is all for charity… is there really anywhere else you would rather be?

Before the models can take to the runway however, a hardworking team, committee and stylists continue to work to make sure the night is as spectacular as it can be. Now is the time to get closer than ever to the life behind the fashion show and a preview of one of the final rehearsals.

It is the evening of the RAG Fashion Show rehearsal and the theme, ‘Sustainability’ is suggested through the scenes and music. Yet, they are careful not to give too much of theme away, as that is what is so unique about the show night. The theme is interpreted throughout every detail of the show, from the music to the styles. It is only on the night of the show when it will all come completely together, creating a powerful message which will stay with every member of the audience for a long time.

This year’s theme of sustainability is not only vital to the presentation of the show, it is also important to the members of the committee, who are interpreting it in every area of the show.

How are you interpreting sustainability in this years show?

‘We have put an emphasis on sustainability and the earth in the show, so that you can come away with a memorable message, so you need to see the show to find out what that it is!’– Helen Clifford, Assistant Director

‘It is definitely a show with a message and the message runs like a narrative. You will see the roots of something and watch the journey throughout the show, creating something you will remember’– Lauren Ann Wood, Model Manager

‘The theme lends itself well to natural clothing and the earthly process and this will make you think about the earth and where clothes are coming from’– Helena De Carteret

Even though the show has taken months to plan and create, the members of the committee will be seeing their efforts come together for the first time on the night of the show, at the same time as the audience.

What are you most excited for on the night of the show?

‘To actually see it! It will be incredible to see everyone’s work materialised and to see a physical product of our effort, it will be really fun!’- Helen Clifford

‘I am most excited for the finale and the choreography which is so different to last years. It is defiantly one to remember’- Lauren Ann Wood

‘It will be great to see the end goal and see our all the committees work come together. We have an aim and it will be nice to see what everyone’s role comes across in the final show’– Helena De Carteret

Rehearsals… RAG Fashion Show style

Thursday night is certainly going to be an event to remember for every single model, member of the committee and member of the audience. The production will almost certainly follow in the footsteps of award winning previous years and will leave you with a message which will leave a mark on the way you view fashion in the future.  To these three members of the committee however, the night does not necessarily need to win an award to be a success in their eyes.

What is special about the RAG Fashion Show? What will make it a success to you personally?

‘I would love to have a large audience so that we can benefit our charities in a great way. For lots of people to watch the show would not only be wonderful to the charities, but also to the models and the committee because we want to share the production and message with as many people as possible’- Helen Clifford

‘I think that the most special part of the fashion show are the charities. The theme was developed with the charities always in our mind and they are especially close to my heart. We went above and beyond to reinforce an important message and I can’t wait to see it all come together’– Lauren Ann Wood

‘The sense of a community is the most special part of the RAG Fashion Show. For me, it will be successful when everyone comes together to do something great for charity. I want people to leave and think ‘ I didn’t know that about fashion’ and keep a message with them when they think about clothing’– Helena De Carteret

There are just a few days left to secure your seat at this unforgettable event. Be a part of the glitz and the glamour  and watch how the theme develops throughout the evening. Get your tickets from 11am to 4pm at the stall in the LUU or online here.