These are the best Twitter reactions to Prince Harry being on Strand campus today

Prince Harry was at KCL and everyone went just a little bit crazy….

Prince Harry was spotted at the Strand campus today whilst on his way to a mental health conference in the King’s Building. Unsurprisingly, he attracted a lot of attention, so we looked on Twitter to find the best reactions to his visit.

For most, the FOMO was real

And it looks like more than one was going to be vying for his attention

Although not everyone was rocking the smart casual look as well as the Prince

He usefully provided some with the perfect excuse to be late

Bed > royalty

It’s even got Guy’s students interested

But not everyone was happy

No royal’s gonna stand between me and my sausage roll

The irony is real

This whole conversation is just brilliant

And there were some who knew the truth all along

Thank you King’s, once again, you’ve been hilarious!