Why Valentine’s Day is the worst

Who wants to be in a packed cinema with couples fondling each other

It’s that time of the year again.  We’ve survived exam season and January blues, and just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Valentine’s Day comes around.

Let’s face it, nobody enjoys it. Christmas has literally just passed and instead of giving your overdraft a much needed break, you find yourself obligated into buying anything vaguely heart shaped and some dying roses. How romantic.

When you’re in a relationship it’s unnecessarily stressful

My main problem with Valentine’s is that it’s no longer optional; in fact it’s become a taboo not be part of it when you’re with someone. This leads to the inevitable panic buy of a tacky box of chocolates and a card filled with generic sentiment.

There’s no thought put into it and the prices are hyped to something stupid, so you end up waving goodbye to your precious student loan. Chances are if your gift is really that bad it will also end up on the squad chat being ridiculed for its unoriginality. Fun.

Then you have the drama of organising a date. If you’re really lucky you might go for an overpriced dinner. Or you have the option of something with a little more thought like the cinema. I mean who doesn’t want to sit through two hours of the next instalment of Fifty Shades of awful. Either way chances are you’re going to sitting among a restaurant or cinema packed with other couples fondling each other. Gross.

As for the singletons among us, Valentine’s Day is just out right depressing

You’ve accepted that you’re going to be alone and probably eating your body weight in ice cream but even if you try and avoid it, it somehow still gets rubbed in your face. Valentine’s Day gives those in a relationship to show off and congratulate themselves on having found someone else.

Whether you like it or not you’re going to be reminded of how ‘cute’ and ‘romantic’ their #daywithbae has been as they post it all over Instagram and Facebook. #Yuck.

If you do go out, cliché as it is, it’s likely you’ll end up going to some barf worthy singles night, at a club with sticky floors, knocking back tequila shots and pulling a questionable 3/10.  Hardly surprising that Valentine’s Day now also falls on National Condom Day.

It’s time we moved on and accepted it’s pointless

It’s as if we’ve forgotten that there are 364 other days in the year for this sort of thing? As nice as it sounds you don’t just suddenly fall in love because Valentine’s Day has happened. Far from it.

So take my advice, don’t bother with commercialised Valentine’s drool this year. Find another day and do something a little more spontaneous and original instead. You might actually end up enjoying it.