Nap pods are not the answer to mental health issues at Edinburgh

A ridiculous waste of money

Earlier this week, the Student Council and the student body overwhelmingly showed their support for nap pods.

This means that EUSA are being presented with the possibility of instituting nap pods in the library. I think this is absolutely ridiculous.

People argue that nap pods would increase Edinburgh’s shockingly low student satisfaction rate, but student satisfaction isn’t low for lack of sleeping opportunities at the library, its low because of lack of guidance, staff support, mental health provision and satisfactory study space.

Nap pods are an astronomical waste of money, and the money could be spent in other places far far better. They will cost about £30,000 pounds.

Realistically, the nap pods will be used for the annoying library couples to have sex and the reservation system will get even worse. This is one of those ideas that is best kept to the imagination.

Think of all the things that the Uni could do with £30,000 rather than introduce nap pods. For example improving mental health services; currently it can take up to six months to see the student counsellor. It could be used to increase study space across George Square and Kings. It could provide grants and bursaries for more working class students to come to Edinburgh and support international students worrying about being removed from their courses.

I feel my student satisfaction would increase if there was no ridiculous £5 minimum spend at university cafes and if the library gave out cutlery for free. Think of the recent hike in the prices of a VK and all Teviot food. Think of how many books for the library could be bought to stop the problem of your tutor assigning compulsory reading when there is only one copy of the book in the library.

Nap pods are a short term solution to a systemic problem for Edinburgh students- that the university doesn’t accommodate for health and social care for its students. Although nap pods show some acknowledgement of student mental health, it is expensive and ineffective. If this is the best they can do then we are a long way from a solution.