EUSA are taking action on the Mormons

Could this be the end of your George Square Mormon encounters?

We’ve all been there, the quiet walk to the library which turns into a manhunt when Elder talk-to-me-about-God pops up and presses a leaflet into your unheeding palm.


However, one Edinburgh University student recently received a reply from EUSA after she complained about the Mormons’ behaviour outside the library. EUSA acknowledged the often persistent methods employed by the missionaries, and said that the situation had been “resolved, amicably so”. After the Head of the University Security met with the President of the Mormon Church, in what sounds like a Game of Thrones-esque tête-à-tête, the following compromises were reached:

1. They will reduce their numbers working at any given time from ten to six, with immediate effect.

2. They will not offer to “accompany” students to exams or anywhere else for that matter, as this was agreed to be unacceptable harassment.

3. Their approach will be moderated to take no for an answer far earlier than perhaps they had been.

4. If a student initially shows interest and provides their details only to changes their mind thereafter, they need only reply by text indicating they do not wish further contact and they will be removed from the database immediately.

5. After three months without contact/reply, students will be removed automatically from their database.

The question is, will this shaky compromise still be in force after Summer? Or will your first visit back to George Square be marked by a dash to lectures with an eager elder in pursuit?