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Breaking News

A body has been found in Roath Park Lake following police search

South Wales Police have been searching the lake since early hours of the morning

It is understood that a body has been found following a police search of Roath Park Lake. South Wales Police received reports that a person had entered the lake in the early hours of the morning on Thursday 13th June.

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Credit: Aamir Mohammed

South Wales Police released the following statement earlier on today:

“Police have responded to reports of a someone having entered Roath Park Lake in the early hours of this morning. A search of the Lake is taking place.”

Following this search, it is believed a body has been found.

Witnesses surrounding the area have said there were police cars present at approximately 4:30am on Thursday morning, with divers, specialist search teams and forensics also in attendance.

Image may contain: Person, Human, Police Car, Transportation, Car, Automobile, Vehicle

Credit: Aamir Mohammed

In addition to police units, The Welsh Ambulance Service have confirmed they were also present at the incident.

Police are yet to confirm the discovery of the body.