Camshots: The Girls

TOMMY SHANE lets the girls take on the guys. But this time with clothes on.

camshots fashion fear of the rear of the year Girls pineapple rear of the year sexism sexist street style

Oh – Camshots: The Girls? This was just an afterthought. I mean, after the success of the guys’ version, I just thought: ‘Why the hell not?’ But the girls really have shown that they can take on the boys, though admittedly in less provocative style than Rear Of The Year.

The girls seem nowhere near as formal as the guys (despite being pineappleless), perhaps suggesting they’re a little less neurotic about exams – though I’m still unsure which strike the better pose. But, in any case, we have given both the girls and the guys a platform. Therefore Camshots is not sexist.

Arch Anth 2nd year from Corpus

Mary, 3rd year English at Peterhouse

2nd year Linguist at Magdalene

Helen, 2nd year English student at Queens

Ainslie, 1st year Natsci at Homerton

Philippa, 1st year English student at King’s