Churchill Keeps ABREAST Of Maggie

Newly released documents from Churchill show Maggie T getting more than she bargained for with The Sun’s view on her economic policy one morning.

Cambridge University Churchill College margaret thatcher Page 3 The Sun topless girl Winston Churchill

Margaret Thatcher got an eyeful one morning as PM when a photo of a topless girl accidentally got attached with her post, newly public documents in Cambridge can reveal.

Papers released this weekend by Churchill College show a racy pic from The Sun delivered to Thatcher, with a topless girl lying in bed with her lover under the headline ‘Please, please me.’

It promised a “guide to happy loving” and a guarantee “to put the romance back into your love life.”

The cheeky pinup was accidentally sent to her by a blundering Chief Whip with an article bashing the government’s economic policy.

And opportunities in the cut-out also offered the Iron Lady the chance to buy a ‘cheap pair of harem pyjamas’ and to ‘become a Page 3 girl’.

Reactions to this were mixed, with one Peterhouse student telling The Tab: “To be honest, I’d rather see Winston Churchill topless”.

The story the Irony Lady wasn’t expecting to wake up to

The collection at the Churchill Archives Centre (CAC) contains over one million documents, including copies of every letter Thatcher signed as PM, and personal letters to foreign bigwigs.

Other  highlights from the archive include husband Dennis falling asleep when the PM first practised her famous ‘Lady’s Not for Turning’ speech, and a personal letter to primary school kids apologising for shutting a clown training school.

The ‘Thatcher Papers’ archive at the CAC will be releasing this and other documents from her second year as Prime Minister tomorrow.

Despite the new info, feelings towards Maggie T in today’s political climate may well be better summed up by the words of Tim Ince, a second year NatSci from John’s, who said, “I really don’t give a shit one way or another”.

Photo courtesy of Masons News Service