An Ode to Redheads

Being ginger fucking rules

If you are a fellow redhead, or maybe you’re just kind enough to be friends with one, I’m sure you’re well aware of the teasing and crippling oppression they face on a daily basis.

As a redhead, I have been subjected to the occasional “Ginger Bap” from time to time, however my true humiliation occurred in high school when my friends decided to search for ‘ginger jokes’ to “affectionately” tease me, as they put it. They even went so far as to print out copies so we could all read them together and laugh at my expense. Ah sweet friendship!

However, despite the casual bullying that will inevitably occur in a redhead’s life, there are many perks to the ginger gene.

We stand out in the best way

With less than 2% of the world’s population being ginger, we’re sure to attract attention. Yes, maybe ‘standing out’ means everyone notices us for our peculiar hair colour, freckles and pale skin, but at least we’ll be remembered. Plus, if we go missing on a night out, our friends can easily spot us amongst the bobbing heads of brunettes and blondes.

A rose between two blondes

We won’t turn 50 shades of Grey

Due to the strong colour pigment in red hair, we’re a lot less likely to go grey. Instead, red hair fades through a range of copper and rose-gold hues with age. Then, while the rest of the population is cursing their pepper-shaded perm, we’ll be rolling up to the old folks home with a sassy silvery-white do that would give Instagram models a run for their money.

Bless these luscious locks

We can wear pretty much any colour of clothing and look fab

There’s absolutely no colour out there that dims our beautiful tangerine locks. Despite the common myth, we Redheads can still wear autumnal shades such as orange and red and not look like a giant pumpkin! As a matter of fact, we look cool as fuck, even with our ghostly pale skin.

“Call me ginger-nut one more time”

We can blame our outbursts on the devil gene

‘The red-haired of both sexes are more libidinous and mischievous than the rest’, according to Johnathan Swift in Gulliver’s Travels. Redheads are widely known for our fiery temper, and admittedly I have often been compared to a volcano during some of my more passionate altercations.  We can use this stereotype to our advantage, as it’s the perfect excuse when you’re in a bad mood and need to let off some steam: “it’s not my fault that all Redheads have a temper!”

We have the best idols ever

Hot gingers are everywhere. From award winning actors and actresses giving us the scarlet fever, such as Jessica Chastain, Michael Fassbender, Isla Fisher and Emma Stone (who technically isn’t ginger but she rocks it so well she might as well be), we’ve even got a royal in our midst, with Prince Harry flying the ginger flag. Plus, we’re sorted for costume parties – with the help of a few ginger friends, we can go as the entire Weasley family!

Behold these ginger goddesses

We have our own day of Pride

Finally us feisty redheads have a chance to congregate in one place and create havoc. On 11th February, Belfast is hosting a day of ginger pride. This sea of ginger is for a good cause too, as the participants will be raising awareness for Cancer Focus NI.

See, being a Redhead really is the best thing in the world.