The ‘Aber Bubble’ is the worst thing about this town. Here’s how to escape it

Get out before you go mad

No matter how much you love Aberystwyth, sooner or later you’ll start to feel a bit claustrophobic. It’s a great town, providing an utterly unique university experience, but it’s inevitable that you’ll start to feel the Aber Bubble closing in.

The fact is you can see the entire town in an afternoon, the beautiful sunset starts to lose its charm after the  50th time you’ve watched it, and there’s only so many times you can enjoy the same few songs at the same few clubs. At the very least you’ve got a few months until you leave, and if you’re a fresher you’ve get years left. So how do you beat the Aber Bubble?

You can only climb Consti so many times before you start to feel a bit stuck

Try out different pubs

If it’s the nights out that are starting to become boring and repetitive, then you’ve got to do something radical. Go to different pubs. It’s easy to fall into the same routine of pre-drinks, pub 1, pub 2, Pier/Yoko’s, home. Mix it up a bit! If you start in Cambrian normally, try Harry’s. Go Academy instead of Harley’s.

Throw the Mill in there. While Pier-goers tend to hate Yoko’s and vice versa, give the counter-club a shot. Or, god forbid, actually just throw a house party. Can you really complain about getting bored with Aber if you won’t try something different on your nights out?

Go on a day trip

Although there’s only one train in and out of Aber, there’s still a lot you can visit while you’re here. Take the Rheidol railway to Devil’s Bridge, or go give Shrewsbury a visit. Hell, if one of your mates has a car then you can go to Cardiff for a shopping trip or something.

Fuck it, go to Borth, why not? You can even walk there, weather providing. Just stop moaning about how Aber’s so boring when you’ve never ventured outside of the area between CKs and the beach.

Aber’s only boring if you’re boring

Join a society that allows you to get out of town

Join a society that occasionally ventures outside the confines of the town is a no-brainer. There’s absolutely plenty of choice here, just about every sports society does tours or trips, as do a lot of the non-sport societies.

Go home

Seriously, just do it.

The thing is, we all know it’s a small town and sometimes it gets a bit claustrophic but just get over it. It’s entirely your responsibility whether you get bored, and  the repeated “just need to get away” “Aber is so claustrophobic” statuses just make you look like an ungrateful whiner.

Get over yourself, and take advantage of everything the town and surrounding areas have to offer.