Everything you will ever see walking along the seafront

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

It’s mid-term. You have essays, spend most of your days inside locked away and have no social life. You’re stressed to the point of breaking point because can’t ignore those deadlines anymore. This is a prime moment to go for a walk along the seafront and clear your head.

Here’s a list of all the predictable sights and sounds you’re bound to come across when going on your lonely walk along the seafront, so your drained brain is prepared for all the pleasant and unpleasant sights on your next visit.

  1. You start at the North end, you can hear the waves and feel the wind, it’s all you need right now. Then this overly keen jogger overtakes you. He charges up Consti as if it’s nothing, and suddenly you realise that he’s got the determination you will never have.
  2. Continuing your walk towards PD’s Diner you almost collide with a group of longboarders, and you wish you had their boards, because it starts drizzling. On that note, why the hell are so many long boarders in Aber?
  3. Whatever though, you have your earphones in and feel the sweet beats carry you away.
  4. A group of students takes selfies at the front, trying to catch the beautiful Victorian buildings and sunset at the same time in the most cliche instagram-able Aber photo.
  5. You approach the bandstand ruins. They still haven’t renovated it yet and you wonder what’s taking them so long. They are literally building a two story cylinder, so why are they still there?
  6. The students get annoyed because crane and digger are blocking the view. This selfie isn’t Instagram worthy anymore, filters just aren’t going to cut it these days.
  7. You look around, trying to find a nice spot to sit down and enjoy the breathtaking sunsets Aber has to offer.
  8. The sky turns pink and the starlings start their nightly dance. You realise you are not the only one taking the millionth picture of the exact same scenery, and you will never get tired of the view.
  9. The dog on the beach is having the best time of his life, chasing in and out of the water, hoping to catch the stupid pigeon that got too close. You can’t help but miss your dog.
  10. Just when you feel your inner peace again, the kid next to you gets attacked by a seagull because it didn’t hide his chips well enough.
  11. Aber’s seagulls are mutants, there’s no other explanation. Secretly, you’re glad your housemate stopped you from popping to the Chip Box earlier. Mum shouts, kid cries.
  12. You continue your walk past the Old College and towards the Castle ruins. But seriously: What’s happening in there anyway? They plaster this building all over the prospectuses and show it off on open days – but has anyone actually been inside?
  13. Couples sit on the Castle ruins staring out to the sea. Cute.
  14. But they soon realise they’re in Wales and it’s too cold and wet to look for stars?
  15. South beach lays ahead of you. The jogger overtakes you for the second time.
  16. Out at the trap you can see some surfers and kayakers catch the last waves of the day before it’s too dark.
  17. Surely they’ll catch a cold?
  18. You approach the lifeboat station and can see a seal’s head popping out of the water behind the jetty. Then you remember what drew you to Aber in the first place.
  19. There’s no place you’d rather be because you recall just why Aber is so damn good and that the seafront is something no rubbish Russell Group or generic City uni just can’t offer.