UKIP young independence society given green light by SU

Aberystwyth just got a little bit more purple

Aber’s Student Union have given the go ahead to a young group of ukippers wanting to establish a UKIP society.

The group will be the second Young Independence society in Wales after the establishment of a branch in Cardiff.

The president of the Young Independence society, Andrew Wilmot a second year Computer scientist said: “It’s great that yet another university has a Young Independence presence, and we look forward to continuing the rest of the year as an official society.”

El Presidente himself

While the Union will take a few days to ready the societies page of the website for a whole lot more Farage, the first thing the society have done is organise a social.

Luis Gjoni a Film and TV second year said: “It’s fair enough, everyone should have a right to their own political views especially given there are Labour and Conservative societies.”

“However if UKIP have a student representation in the SU, I feel other minority parties like the Greens should have the same situation going on.”

Samuel Leddington, also a Film and TV second year, said: “This is seemingly unnecessary, and it’s not like the party is going to come back from their devastating defeat of the last general election anyway.”